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The Careers Team

Head of Careers and Personal Development Education:
Ms Hetal Sharma 0116 2625705

Assistant Principal with responsibility for Careers and Personal Development Education:
Dr Annabelle Larsen 0116 2625705

Work Experience Co-ordinator
Mrs Laura Patel 0116 2625705

External Careers Organisations

Moat Community College works with a large number of external organisations to ensure delivery of a high quality careers education and the fulfilment of the Gatsby Benchmarks, these include: The Careers and Enterprise Company, LEBC and Connexions.


The Careers team would like to welcome any local employers into college to speak to students about specific industry sectors, local employment, employment skills, and training opportunities. This could be in the form of an assembly, lunchtime talk or by participating in 'What's my job?'. Are you an employer or provider who would like to add to one of our events or help us with our careers work? Please contact the Head of Careers Ms Hetal Sharma 

Moat Community College Provider Access Policy Statement

Under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997, as of 2 January 2018, we have a duty to provide students in years 8-11 with access to providers of post-14, post-16 and post-18 education and training. This policy statement sets out how we manage access requests from these providers.

The Careers team would like to welcome any local employers into college to speak to students about specific industry sectors, local employment, employment skills, and training opportunities. This could be in the form of an assembly, lunchtime talk or by participating in 'What's my job?'. 

Who handles our access requests?

Providers can speak to our careers leader (Hetal Sharma) to discuss possible attendance at relevant events.

Head of Careers Ms Hetal Sharma 0116 2625750

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy sets out Moat's approach to allowing providers into college to speak to our students.

Once we have approved a provider, we will work with them to identify the best method for providing access to our students.

We will make the college Theatre, Sports Hall, classrooms and private meeting rooms available to host discussions between providers and students. We will also make presentation equipment, such as projectors and televisions, available to providers (where possible).

Arrangements will be discussed in advance between our careers leader and a nominated member of the provider’s team.


Maintaining contact with our former students, our alumni, is an essential part of our careers provision. What could be more inspiring for current Moat students than to hear from those who came here and went on to take up positions at the best universities, in the best apprenticeships and in the most fulfilling careers?

Last year we had several former students back in school to speak about their experiences, we hope that you will do this soon too.

If you are a Moat alumnus and you have not got in touch with us recently, or at any point since leaving us, you might like to complete a brief series of questions which will help us update our alumnus database. We use this database to target careers support at particular groups of students and we would really value you spending a couple of minutes filling it in.

Click this link to fill in the survey.


Careers and Personal Development Education Curriculum Intent

It is our belief that careers and personal development education enables young people to make informed choices throughout their lives therefore it is important that they are provided with the best careers information and guidance (CEIAG).

At Moat Community College, we have different systemic approaches to careers-related learning from years 7 to 11. These include specialist careers-based lessons in Years 8 and 10. In addition to this, the tutorial programme supports Years 7, 9 and 11 with their careers-based education. Additional careers-related learning experiences include; assemblies, visits, visiting speakers, work experience and the use of alumni to work with current students. All of our students in Year 10 are expected to take part in work experience. This provides genuine work-related learning and further develops their employability skills.

It is also our belief that teaching careers through the various subjects in the curriculum raises aspirations and enhances achievement. All of our students have high quality, impartial careers guidance to encourage them to be well-informed when making subject and career decisions that will benefit their own well-being and contribute to the wellbeing of others. We believe all of our students should participate in a range of activities to develop their employability skills, preparing them for an appropriate future. We want to inspire our students to overcome barriers, achieve social mobility and to believe that there should be no limit to their aspirations.

All of these opportunities at Moat allow us to develop a skilled workforce for the future that are prepared, flexible and adaptable for the changing nature of employment, therefore we take labour market information (LMI) into consideration.



All individual students should have high quality, impartial careers guidance to encourage them to be well-informed when making subject and career decisions.

All students should participate in a range of activities to develop a range of employability skills, preparing them for a working life which is suitable for them.

We want to inspire our students to overcome barriers, achieve social mobility and to believe that there should be no limit to their aspirations.

Policy Statement

Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) at Moat Community College is an integral part of our preparation of all students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain. All CEIAG is impartial and unbiased.

We endeavour to follow the guidelines set out by the Department of Education in their latest advice and documentation.

At Moat, we have a multi-faceted approach to careers-related learning. There are progressive elements of careers education from years 7 to 11. These include specialist careers-based lessons in years 8 and 10. In addition to this the tutorial programme supports years 7, 9 and 11 with their careers-based education.

In addition to the education within lessons and the tutorial programme, we provide further careers content to inspire our students, including: assemblies, visits, visiting speakers, work experience and the use of alumni to work with current students.
It is our vision that careers information, education and advice have influence in all areas of the curriculum.

We reference the Gatsby benchmark 1 – A stable careers programme, benchmark 4 linking curriculum learning to careers.

The school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils against the Gatsby Benchmarks. It is also worth noting that Careers and Personal Development Education is only timetabled in years 8 and 10, once a week, and therefore assessment in this curriculum area is largely via internal assessment which are highlighted in the implementation statement.


What are Students Entitled to?

Students must be allowed to:

  • Learn more about vocational and technical education qualifications as well as apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which informs students of the full range of education and training options available to them at each transition point.
  • Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities on offer, for example, vocational, technical education and apprenticeships – this can be achieved through options evenings, assemblies, group discussions, visits and taster events.
  • Understand how to apply to the full range of academic, vocational, technical courses available to them.


Implementation and Entitlement Statement

What opportunities are provided to allow access to students?

Via our college careers programme, we offer providers numerous opportunities throughout the college year to speak to students and/or their parents. Our annual schedule of events is as follows:

Year 7

Students will receive an introduction to look at their skills, qualities and achievements and will write a personal statement. Careers work will be delivered largely during tutorial time.

The students are offered the opportunity to liaise with local employers in an event called ‘What’s my job?’

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 5 – encounters with employers and employees

There may be an opportunity to visit local universities to take part in a widening participation event.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 7 – encounters with further and higher educations

Assessment opportunity - Students create a ‘Booster’ poster to start developing their personal statement.

Year 8

Students will continue to develop confidence in their skills and qualities, building on the work done in Year 7. They will look at the realities of job advertisements and the changing world of work. In addition, they will have the opportunity to examine local labour market information and explore jobs of the future. Students will use ICT packages such as Xello and the National Careers Service to consider the qualification options for studying after Year 8. All students will begin to learn and practise skills needed for interviews. Careers work will be delivered through Careers and PDE lessons. c/f Gatsby Benchmark 2 – learning from career and labour market information

Assessment opportunities – Xello, changing world of work, British Values, campaigning skills.

Students will take part in a ‘Speed networking’ event supported by local employers.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 5 – encounters with employers and employees

There may be the opportunity to take part in a widening participation activities at local universities.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 7 – encounters with further and higher education Students will receive information from professionals to help them decide on which options they would like to select for their GCSE courses (speed networking event and careers in law and careers in medicine assembly).

Students can request an impartial 1:1 careers interview

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 3 – addressing the needs of each pupil

Students continue to develop their personal statement

Year 9

Students will improve their confidence in personal skills and qualities, building on the work done in Years 7 & 8. They will have extensive use of Xello. This will help them to research more thoroughly the types of careers they may be interested in.

Students will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about Apprenticeships (delivered by the LEBC) which supports the Baker Clause

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 2 – learning from career and labour market information There may be an opportunity to visit local universities for a widening participation event.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 7 – encounters with further and higher educations

Assessment opportunity - Students continue to further develop their personal statement.

Year 10

Students will research post-16 options for when they leave Moat. They will explore the variety of routes on offer and select those which may suit them best. Students will be introduced to qualification frameworks (NQF) to help them understand the range of academic and vocational qualifications that may be available, as well as the requirements to access these courses. They

will develop their interview skills with local employers and create a CV. In addition to this, they will be introduced to the PS16 college application process.

Students will research selected careers using Xello and a range of websites in order to produce a detailed career action plan. Students will learn a range of financial literacy skills, from understanding student finances to pay slips and state benefits, including the bursary.

All students will be expected to take part in a one work placement, which will develop and allow them to practice their employability skills in a very real way by being part of the world of work. Preparing for this placement will require them to: make formal telephone calls, be interviewed, set and fulfil targets as well as understand health and safety and rights in the work place. At the end of the placement the students will do some reflection work as well as create a CV. Careers work will be delivered through Careers and PDE lessons.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 6 – experience of workplaces

There may be the opportunity to visit local universities for a widening participation event.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 7 – encounters with further and higher educations

Students will take part in a mock interview to develop their employability skills and to better prepare them for the world of work.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 5 – encounters with employers and employees

Students can request an impartial 1:1 careers interview.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 8 – personal guidance

Students continue to further develop their personal statement

Assessment opportunities – Career research personal job profile, career action plan, PS16 application form…

Year 11

We promote all forms of post 16 study (Baker clause). Students will be supported to make their PS16 college application for Year 12 or apply for an apprenticeship (including using their personal statement). Events will be arranged for them to speak to local providers and gather information about the variety of choices open to them, including colleges/sixth form, apprenticeships, vocational and technical providers. Students will be notified of open days and events at local post 16 providers. They will be expected to attend, preferably with a parent/carer. Careers work will be delivered largely during tutorials.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 7 – encounters with further and higher education

Students will have the opportunity to learn about the National Citizen Service (NCS) programme to further develop their skills and qualities and to better prepare them for life after Moat.

Students will have the opportunity to develop their Financial Literacy knowledge.

Student can request an impartial 1:1 careers interview.

c/f Gatsby Benchmark 8 – Personal guidance

Policy Review Date: February 2024
Reviewed by: Head of Careers


Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance

As a school we have a statutory and moral duty to provide students with careers information, advice and guidance. We aim to provide students with the skills and attributes required to prepare them for the world of work. This will be achieved through a range of activities and sources to allow them to make informed decisions regarding their options, further education, higher education, apprenticeships and their future career pathways. During their time at Moat, students will also have access to impartial information, advice and guidance.


Careers Interviews

Careers interviews are conducted using a combination of specialists from LEBC and qualified internal staff. All year 11 students are assured an interview. In addition, some year 8, 9 and 10 students may also be interviewed. Vulnerable students are given priority and may be supported with a specialist from Connexions.

Referral may be made from a member of staff e.g. Year Achievement Coordinator or from a need assessment during careers lessons. Students are also free to request an interview.
Gatsby benchmark 8 personal guidance


Work Experience

We are committed to two weeks of work experience for all students in Year 10. This provides genuine work-related learning and further develops students’ employability skills. The work experience programme is organised in conjunction with LEBC.
Gatsby benchmark 6 experiences of work places and 5 encounters with employers and employees


Post 16 Options


  • PS16 - Positive Steps at 16 (PS16) is an online college prospectus for Leicester and Leicestershire.
  • Learner Application Help Guide - Help guide to assist students with making an application on PS16.
  • T LEVELS. T Levels are new courses available from September 2020, which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A Levels. Read more here




Further Information and Advice



Labour Market Information (LMI)

View Labour Market Information East Midlands

  • Guide to the local labour market - The Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) labour market guide for young people and adults.
  • World of Work Guide - Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) labour market guide for young people, ‘What Work Leicestershire’ summarises: the different work sectors across the LLEP area, numbers of people employed in those areas, which jobs are in demand, skills that employers value, suggested links to find out more about working in that sector & what employers look for in prospective employees.

View Connexions destinations information

Advice for Parents

  • A Parent’s Guide - As a parent, you are incredibly influential when it comes to the decisions your child makes in all areas of their lives and that is especially true when it comes to their education and careers. This guide makes it as easy as possible for you to talk to your child about their options.
  • Careers Advice for Parents - Careers Advice for UK parents, young people, school leavers, A Level students, teenagers. Independent, informative & accurate
  • Parent Adviser - Parent Adviser provide useful, up to date advice for parents about the career options available to their children.

Equal Opportunities

The Careers Department supports the school’s Equal Opportunities Policy and endeavours to implement it.
Gatsby benchmark 3 – addressing the needs of pupils


Quality Assurance

We endeavour to map and review careers education towards a CDI recommended framework. It is our intention to pursue an external quality award to further strengthen our good practice. As part of this process we reflect on the recommended 8 Gatsby benchmarks (Gatsby report, Good Career Guidance, 2015).

The college measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils.

Useful Links

Exploring Careers

  • Get Into Teaching - If you want to get into teaching, we can help. Get information on training courses, funding, pay scales and tips on how to make a great application.
  • GetMyFirstJob - GetMyFirstJob offers you a whole new way to find Apprenticeships and opportunities to get ahead.
  • Health Careers - Get all the information you need to take the next step in your career.
  • iCould - Get ideas for your future with free career videos, job information, plus advice on career options and the world of work.
  • Leicester Employment Hub - You can now find all the latest apprenticeship and connexions vacancies on the Leicester Employment Hub website.
  • National Careers Service (NCS) - NCS provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. Services include Job Profiles, skills health check, find a course and help to find work, writing an effective CV.
  • Prospects - Prospects for graduate jobs, postgraduate study, advice about work experience, internship opportunities and graduate careers
  • Rolls-Royce - Anyone – from school leavers to career changers – can earn while they learn with a Rolls-Royce apprenticeship.
  • Start Profile - Explore career ideas that match your skills, interest, qualities and career preferences. Start is also linked to the national and local labour market. Students will require their Start Profile login details, please contact a member of the careers team if you have forgotten your details.
  • Step into the NHS - Step into the NHS is a programme of activity targeting 14-19 year olds that aims to promote the range of career opportunities in the NHS
  • Success at School - Explore careers, get information on top employers and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice.
  • BBC Bitesize Careers - Get the low-down on the world of work, with Bitesize Careers. A site to help you find out what jobs you may be suited to.
  • Get Into Theatre - Get Into Theatre is the essential website to help you find all the information and opportunities you need to pursue a successful career in theatre in the UK.
  • The Medic Portal - Official Royal Society of Medicine partner. Doctor-created guidance for UCAT, BMAT, UCAS, Interview and more!
  • The Lawyer Portal  - The Lawyer Portal is partnered with the Bar Council & CILEx and is written by lawyers, with contributions from top law firms.
  • GoCompare - The UK’s riskiest jobs. While many people might think their job is hazardous to their health, for some the threat is serious. In these industries work really can be a matter of life or death, so we wanted to see where the risk was highest, and just what was making these occupations so dangerous.
  • How to become a criminal solicitor
  • How to get into investment banking
  • How to become a property manager
  • How to become an accountant
  • How to become an Intellectual Property analyst
  • How to become a family lawyer

Skill Council Sectors

Next review date: 11/11/2024